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Myopia Control

Learn How to Control Myopia and Return Better Vision to Your Life

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is an extremely common visual impairment and seems to be affecting more and more Americans every year. It is the most prevalent refractive error and it affects nearly 50% of the US population.

The good news is that we have become experts at resolving most cases of myopia and allowing the vast majority of affected individuals to live their daily lives with corrected, sharp vision. With some experts speculating that the increase of myopia cases across the US may be linked to our extended use of smartphones and TV screens, our experience in treating myopia is more valuable than ever.

Tried & True Myopia Control Methods

By far and away, the most common way to correct myopia is the use of either contact lenses or eyeglasses. For permanent correction (or a cure, if you will) laser corrective surgery is now exceptionally commonplace and boasts success rates which are over 95%.

Following a thorough exam, the majority of individuals suffering from myopia will be fitted with a pair of corrective contact lenses which are tailored to their eyes and lifestyle. These can either be daily disposable lenses which are discarded every evening, or longer term lenses which can last up to several years if properly maintained.

While glasses are generally not any more effective than contact lenses, they remain hugely popular, especially as a fashion item. We stock more than 15 leading brands of glasses, so we are able to correct your eyesight with style!

There are 3 different types of laser corrective surgery, and all of them serve to permanently correct myopia by reshaping the front surface of your eye. Not everyone is a suitable candidate, and though it is more expensive than buying glasses, it is certainly more hassle-free in the long run than any other corrective technique.

New Advancements Every Year

Corneal reshaping therapy (CRT) is a process of correcting and controlling myopia by using specialized contact lenses. Worn overnight, these lenses gently reshape the cornea and correct myopia. This method provides a full day’s worth of vision correction!

The idea is that during the day your cornea is the correct shape to focus on distant objects without any extra gear (such as glasses) and so, effectively, your vision is “normal” while you’re awake. Ideal!

Reshaping the cornea overnight repeatedly may eventually contribute to slowing down the growth changes that lead to an increase in myopia. There is also evidence that suggests that decreased out-of-focus signalling on the retina slows down myopia progression.

The key to controlling myopia is understanding your own eyes and the extent of your condition. We can learn everything we need to know from a simple, comprehensive eye exam.

Our Location


Twin Lakes Vision Clinic
2317 SW 320th St,
Federal Way, WA 98023


Monday - Thursday
9am - 6pm

*closed for lunch from 1:00-2:00 & currently by appointment only

Friday - Sunday



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